Wayne Village is in the northeast part of Steuben County with part of it in
Schuyler county. Wayne township is situated upon Lake Keuka on the east border of the
county. It was formed as Fredericktown, March 18,1796, and its name was changed to Wayne,
in honor of Gen. Anthony Wayne, on April 6, 1808. Reading, was taken off in 1806, Orange
in 1813 and Barrington and Tyrone in 1822. Reading and Orange have since been added to
Schuyler county, and Barrington and Tyrone to Yates county. A part of the township of
Wayne was annexed to Tyrone, April 17, 1854. The surface of the town is a rolling upland
from four to five hundred feet high, forming a plateau of rich and well cultivated farms
and descending abruptly to the lake, on the west and north. The northern end of the town
alone the lake shore being opposite the highlands of Pulteney and sheltered by them from
the northwest and west winds, is particularly adapted to fruit, and contains some of the
finest vineyards in the grape-growing section of the county. The soil is a slaty and
gravely loam, resting upon a sub-soil of hard-pan. Lake Waneta, lying upon the east border
is, a beautiful sheet of clear water, three miles in length by half a mile in width.
Lately it has been demonstrated that the town in the vicinity of this lake is well adapted
to the culture of grapes as that portion along Lake Keuka. In some seasons the fruit has
ripened a week earlier at lake Waneta
By Dolores A Kirch

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